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International Fairy-Tale Filmography Credits:
Jack Zipes, Pauline Greenhill, Kendra Magnus-Johnston, co-creators
Robin Atwill, facilitator and official site goddess
Andrew Blahuta, Jeffrey Lefebvre, Darko Zirdum, web creation and design
Bethany Berard, Ruth Knechtel (postdoctoral fellow 2011-2012),
Praba Pilar (postdoctoral fellow, 2013-2015), web consultants
Alexandria Van Dyck, Lauren Bosc, Angela McGillivray, data entry
University of Winnipeg magical helpers:
Jennifer Cleary, research goddess;
Marcie Fehr, radical research assistant;
Roewan Crowe, Angela Failler, Fiona Green, Steven Kohm, Cat Tosenberger co-applicants;
John Tooth, Copyright Officer;
Neil Besner, VP Research;
Technical Solutions Centre--TSC
Business Solutions
Magical helpers elsewhere:
Cristina Bacchilega and Sidneyeve Matrix, co-applicants; Jill Terry Rudy
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant,
Fairy Tale Films: Exploring Ethnographic Perspectives, SSHRC Aid to Small Universities Grant,
The Arts, New Media, and Cultural Democracy
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