The International Fairy-Tale Filmography, The University of Winnipeg
The decorative banner art is by Nikki Pilgrim using film stills from Martin Scorsese's film Hugo, based on the work of Georges Méliès.
This website is freely available for any non-commercial use.

Please feel free to link to our Filmography using this URL:

International Fairy-Tale Filmography Credits:

Jack Zipes, Pauline Greenhill, Kendra Magnus-Johnston, co-creators

Robin Atwill, facilitator and official site goddess

Andrew Blahuta, Jeffrey Lefebvre, Darko Zirdum, web creation and design

Bethany Berard, Ruth Knechtel (postdoctoral fellow 2011-2012), Praba Pilar (postdoctoral fellow, 2013-2015), web consultants

Alexandria Van Dyck, Lauren Bosc, Angela McGillivray, data entry

University of Winnipeg magical helpers:

Jennifer Cleary, research goddess; Marcie Fehr, radical research assistant; Roewan Crowe, Angela Failler, Fiona Green, Steven Kohm, Cat Tosenberger co-applicants; John Tooth, Copyright Officer; Neil Besner, VP Research; Technical Solutions Centre--TSC Business Solutions

Magical helpers elsewhere:
Cristina Bacchilega and Sidneyeve Matrix, co-applicants; Jill Terry Rudy

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant, Fairy Tale Films: Exploring Ethnographic Perspectives, SSHRC Aid to Small Universities Grant, The Arts, New Media, and Cultural Democracy

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© Copyright 2025 - Pauline Greenhill, Kendra Magnus-Johnston, Jack Zipes